Organized by:
The Thanu Padmanabhan Center for Cosmology and Science Popularization(CCSP)
SGT University, Delhi- NCR
Date: 17.10. 2022 – 19.10. 2022
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Tremendous developments in the observational cosmology make it possible for us to live in the era of precision cosmology. At this dawn of new era, we take the opportunity to or-ganize the inaugural conference: “Current Status of Cosmology” of the series Cosmology@CCSP which will be held during October 17-19, 2022 at The Thanu Padmanabhan Centre For Cosmology and Science Popularization(CCSP), SGT University, Gurugram, India. It will cover the latest topics in Cosmology and Astrophysics such as Early Universe Cosmology, Dark Matter, Late time Universe Cosmology, Black hole physics and current intriguing topics in cosmology etc.
The conference will be in hybrid mode (in-person and virtual), keeping the current COVID situation in mind. We would like to encourage all (especially the PhD students and post-docs) to register and submit an abstract for the parallel sessions. Preference will be given to those who will be able to join physically, subjected to our resources.
CCSP is also dedicated to bringing science to the common mass of our society. Hence half a day of the conference will be dedicated to a Science Popularization Program which will involve Pleanry sessions, Taramandal Program and Night Sky Watch. Nearby schools are encouraged to write to us. We also take the opportunity to announce 19th October to be the Foundation Day for CCSP which will be inaugurated by the “Foundation Day Meghnad Saha Memorial Lecture” delivered by Prof. Ram Ramaswamy
Important Dates:
Last date of abstract submission: 10-09-2022 (Submission Closed)
Last date of registration: 25-09-2022 (Registration Closed)
Conference Dinner and Night Sky Watch: 18-10-2022 (Tentative)
WebX Link: ( coming soon)
Youtube Live stream Link: ( coming soon)
SGT University- Go here