Visitor program is the backbone of any research Centre, especially in the university sector and the visitor’s program of CCSP is an integral part of it. The Centre supports visitors, which include experts in the thrust areas plus the long-term visitors in allied areas from universities and colleges. CCSP provides a platform for their interaction with the faculty, students and the visiting experts. The Centre has the provision to support visiting fellows, visiting professors and a sizeable number of short-term visitors from India and abroad. The eminent visitors deliver technical talks and initiate collaborative research projects with the faculty of the Centre and Ph.D. students. This program is essential for sustaining the high research standards. Finally yet importantly, CCSP utilizes the services of eminent visiting scientists for igniting the young minds through their public lectures. The duration of short-term visits may be ranging from 2 weeks to 2 months. Centre provides TA/DA to such short-term visitors. In general, CCSP highly encourages renowned academicians to visit the Centre.
SGT University, Gurugram, Delhi-NCR, Gurugram-Badli Road, Budhera,
Email:- [email protected]