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The Thanu Padmanabhan Centre for Cosmology and Science Popularization (CCSP)

CCSP is a newly established autonomous Centre of excellence at SGT University, Gurugram, Delhi-NCR, Haryana, India. The Centre is fully dedicated to hard-core research in cosmology and popularizing science to grassroots level in the society.

A university unlike a research institute is supposed to provide a complete package aiming to produce all round intellectual culture necessary to groom excellence as well as rational thinking in the society. Our universal focus is to produce all round intellectual culture necessary to groom excellence as well as rational thinking in the society. CCSP is aimed to be multidimensional and multi-directional, which makes this centre unique. There are four major components of CCSP: Excellent research in Cosmology and Particle Physics, Popularization of science for the common mass, Visitor’s Program for the students and researchers and Ph.D program with advanced courses in Physics and Mathematics. The aim of the Centre is to build strong foundations of research in the areas of Cosmology, Astrophysics, Particle Physics and allied areas through its diverge programs together with the popularization of science for the development of scientific temper and scientific culture in the society by involving school students in our programs.


  • Include the national and international academic visibility of SGT University.

  • Outstanding research on cutting edge areas of Cosmology, Astrophysics and Particle Physics,Teaching advanced theoretical courses in Physics and Mathematics as a part of the Ph.D program,Science awareness program for the common mass.

  • With the current and future research collaborations with research establishments both at national and international level, our aspiration is to standardize our research centre to the international level.

  • The Centre will have PhD students working under the supervision of the core faculty members. CCSP strongly encourage its members to visit research institution with India and abroad for collaborative works.

  • Apart from the core faculty members with different expertise, the centre would heavily use the services of other faculty members with national awards such as INSPIRE faculties, post-doctoral research scholars and short-term visitors.

  • The centre would offer summer projects to the undergraduate and graduate students.

  • Further, the centre will organize seminars / workshops / conferences alone or co-sponsored by other institutions in India and abroad. 

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